- Zaštita spomenika kulture (nositelj/izvodač)
- Roma instaurata: grad Rim od Petrarce do Rafaela (nositelj/izvodač)
- Arhitektonsko rekonstruiranje u Europi u 20. i 21. stoljeću (modul 4) (nositelj/izvodač)
- Povijest i teorija konzervacije u Europi u XIX. i XX. stoljeću* (modul 4) (nositelj/izvodač)
Rođen je 1973. u Zagrebu. Diplomirao povijest umjetnosti i komparativnu književnost na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu 1998. na temu zaštite graditeljskog naslijeđa u teoriji i praksi Leona Battiste Albertija. Od 1999. zaposlen pri Odsjeku za povijest umjetnosti. Magistrirao 2003. temom Predstavljanje starina u spisima talijanskog humanizma prve polovice XV. stoljeća, doktorirao 2007. temom Konzervatorsko djelovanje splitskog antikvara Francesca Carrare. Docent od 2010, izvanredni profesor od 2014, redoviti profesor od 2019.
Studijski boravci u Scuola normale superiore u Pisi 2002. i Beču 2006. (stipendija Ernst Mach austrijskog ÖAD-a). Tijekom korištenja slobodne studijske godine 2016.-2017. istraživao u arhivima i knjižnicama Pise, Firence i Dresdena. Područja interesa: povijest i teorija arhitektonskog konzerviranja u Europi i Hrvatskoj od renesanse do danas, povijest antikvarnih studija, problemi arhitektonskog rekonstruiranja.
Kao autor i urednik objavio četrnaest knjiga te brojne članke u znanstvenim i stručnim časopisima. Osim u hrvatskoj, izlagao na znanstvenim i stručnim skupovima u Austriji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Češkoj, Grčkoj, Italiji, Latviji, Njemačkoj, Poljskoj, Sloveniji, Srbiji i Velikoj Britaniji. Suorganizator skupova u Hrvatskoj (Rijeka, Dijalozi s baštinom od 2012. do 2016., Split, međunarodni skup o E. Hebrardu i G. Niemannu, 2012. i Zagreb, skup o Arturu Schneideru, 2013. i skup o Gjuri Szabi, 2015. i međunarodni skup War, Revolution, Memory: Post-War Monuments in Post-Comunist Europe, 2017.), potom u Austriji (ICOMOS-ova regionalna konferencija 2013.) i Italiji (međunarodni skup o Camillu Boitu, Milano – Accademia di Brera i Politecnico di Milano 2014.).
Član Upravnog odbora Društva povjesničara umjetnosti Hrvatske od 2008. do 2018. Od 2018. do danas dopredsjednik je Društva. Od 2011. do 2016. bio je predsjednik ICOMOS-a Hrvatske, a trenutno je glavni tajnik te udruge. Od 2013. član međunarodnog znanstvenog odbora ICOMOS-a za teoriju i filozofiju konzerviranja i restauriranja (Theophilos), stalni recenzent godišnjih skupova toga Odbora. Od 2018. potpredsjednik toga Odbora. Od 2019. član je njemačke udruge Arbeitskreis Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege.
Marko Špikić was born in Zagreb in 1973. He graduated art history and comparative literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in 1998 (diploma thesis on Architectural conservation in theory and practice of Leon Battista Alberti). He is employed at the Art History Department since 1999. His MA thesis, completed in 2003, dealt with the representation of antiquities in the texts of early humanists in Italy. His PhD thesis (completed in 2007) discusses conservation activity of Dalmatian antiquarian and archaeologist Francesco Carrara (1812-1854).
He became Full Professor in 2019. He conducted research in Scuola normale superiore in Pisa in 2002 and Vienna archives (afforded by Ernst Mach Scholarship) in 2006. During his sabbatical leave he conducted research in Pisa, Florence and Dresden archives and libraries. His fields of interest: history and theory of architectural conservation in Europe and Croatia from renaissance to present, history of antiquarian studies, problems of architectural reconstruction in Europe.
As editor and author he published fourteen books and numerous articles in scientific journals. Besides in Croatia, he presented papers on conferences in Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Czechia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Serbia and Slovenia. He co-organized conferences in Croatia (Rijeka, Dialogues with heritage, 2012-2016, Split, international conference on E. Hebrard and G. Niemann in 2012, Zagreb, conference on art historian Artur Schneider in 2013 and on conservator Gjuro Szabo in 2015), as well as international conference War, Revolution, Memory: Post-War Monuments in Post-Communist Europe in 2017), Austria (ICOMOS regional conference in 2013) and Italy (international conference on Camillo Boito in Accademia di Brera and Politecnico di Milano, 2014).
M. Špikić was member of the Board of the Croatian association of art historians between 2014 and 2018. Since 2018 he serves as Vice-Chairman of the Association. From 2011 to 2016 he was the chairman of the Croatian ICOMOS NC, currently serving as Secretary General. Since 2013 he has been a member of the ICOMOS International scientific committee Theophilos on theory and philosophy of conservation and restoration, serving also as reviewer for the annual conferences of the Committee. In 2018 he became vice president of that Committee. Since 2019, he is a member of the association Arbeitskreis Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege.